I am worried.
Our climate is spinning out of control. Two weeks of extreme heat forecasted with temperatures in the 40s. We had left a thermometer in the sun for a few hours and it read 60° Celcius. 46° C in the shade. That is crazy!
The saskatoons are just ripening now, but with the lack of rain and intense heat they shrivel up to nothing as soon as they ripen. Creatures such as bears, birds and insects rely on the wild berries to see them through summer and winter. If the berry crops fail it could impact them severely. Inside I am quietly freaking out. Global climate change is real and the consequences are going to be dire. We are all going to suffer from water shortage, crop failure and loss of species if we don't do something NOW.
I feel that there is nothing as important as working towards a solution to this so here is my action plan:
The kids and I are posting the question to the community what their ideas are on what we can do on an individual as well as on a community level. We plan to take our findings and ideas to the mayor of Spallumcheen and to the mayor of Armstrong initially, and later on branch out and contact regional as well as national representatives. We will also post our findings here. We are hoping that by doing this we will show our leaders that climate change is an important topic for their voters.
If you have any ideas/want to join/chat about this topic please contact us on email: mikicannon@gmail.com
There is a song by Karliene called Mother Earth that speaks to me right now. Here is a link to the video with lyrics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caIo1UGSDgw