Sunday, December 27, 2020

A new beginning

    Only four more days until the New Year, 2021. Wow! That sounds so futuristic to me. As the world rapidly speeds up towards new and improved ways to live I feel like I am drawn towards a past that I never was part of. A past where everyone knew what wild plants to use for food, medicine and material. A past where it was not the ticking of time that determined the next step but rather the changing of the season. With Covid looming large over our communities and we all huddle down at home in our small bubbles it is easy to imagine what life was like before 24/7 commerce and connected webs of wires. A little calmer and a little bit more self-reliant perhaps? I love that I can go to the store if I need to, can skype or zoom with people on the other side of the planet and that there is help if my family or I need it. I am grateful for the luxuries of life. 

However, as the world is rapidly spinning towards mass destruction of plants, animals and people some change is needed. Now! Thinking about this almost paralyzes me, what will become of my children, the forests I love and the fresh water and all other amazing things this planet has to offer? Act now they say, but how.... 

....This is the way I know how. By teaching people to love nature around them as if it was a part of them (which of course it is). Only through becoming familiar and connected with the natural world will we be its champion and fight to keep it healthy. We are an animal as much part of nature as any other critter, the time to stand outside nature and pretend we don't need it is gone. We need each other and right now the natural world needs us to be its spokesperson more than ever. If we learn to identify our neighbours: the plants, the animals, the bugs and the people; we learn to care for them better and hopefully to live peacefully together.

On this blog I will post information about my corner of the world and its magical plants and animals and how to identify them, protect them and use them.

Wishing you a Happy New Year

Mikaela Cannon, 2020



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